Friday, October 31, 2014

New stuff to ponder

So I haven't been saying much lately. Got a bit overwhelmed and a case of cold feet and had to re-evaluate just what I needed to do.

So, in order to sell my trainer board, I realized that the simple lessons I had planned are not going to cut it. I'm having to write a book on programming the Arduino.

Now I know there are plenty of books out there, but what I am working on at this point is a short (80-100 pages tops) introductory with my little trainer board the only thing besides an Arduino Uno needed to learn a good chunk of programming. No kit of expensive parts, no tangents about getting parts from broken electronics, just basic digital I/O programming that can later lead to that other stuff.

So at this point I have chapters 0 and 1 written (0 deals with the Arduino IDE, 1 is the first actual program), at least a good draft of them. Plus I already know what is going to happen in the next three, and a good idea of what will be in the rest. The last chapter will be about how to use the board as a tool in writing and testing your own programs.

Because this is now turning into a book instead of what I thought would be simple lessons, I may not be able to release them under creative commons like I had intended. I want to support the open source movement and all but with all the work I'm having to put into this I want to make sure I'm protecting my work as well, so I'm looking into other options as I have the chance.

Please, share this blog with others who would be interested!

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